55th Plenary

23-24th May 2018
Geneva, CH

ESSC 55th Plenary Meeting

The European Space Science Committee (ESSC), Committee composed of 34 scientists met for their 55th plenary meeting on 23-24 May at the Geneva Observatory (CH). The meeting was attended by 40 participants including representatives of the European Space Agency (ESA), European Commission (EC),  Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), The Russian Space Research Institute (IKI), The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), The China Academy of Space Technology (CAST).

Invited Guests

Willy Benz

University of Bern & European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Art Charo

Space Studies Board, US

Mark Drinkwater

ESA, Earth Observation Programmes

Jean-Louis Fellous

Executive Director, COSPAR, ex-officio member

Günther Hasinger

Director of Science Programmes (SCI), European Space Agency

Oleg Korablev

Space Research Institute, IKI, Russia

Renato Krpoun

Swiss Space Office, Switzerland

Salvatore Pignataro


Andreas Schoen

Head of Research and Utilisation Group (HRE‐R), Directorate of Human & Robotic Exploration Programmes, ESA

Yoshio Toukaku

Director for International Strategy and Coordination, JAXA, Japan

Jean-Claude Worms

ESF Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio member

Jinchen Zhao

China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), China

Chi Wang

General Director of National Space Science Center (NSCC), CAS, China


  • Best practice when coordinating space and ground-based observatories, Prof. Willy Benz
  • Space Studies Board Update, Dr. Art Charo
  • ESA Earth Observation Programmes Status, Dr. Mark Drinkwater
  • COSPAR Update, Dr. Jean-Louis Fellous
  • The ESA Science Programme, Prof. Günther Hasinger
  • Russian Space Science Programme Update, Dr. Oleg Korablev
  • Switzerland in Space, Dr. Renato Krpoun
  • Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Research & Innovation 2018-2020, Dr. Salvatore Pignataro
  • Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration Update, Dr. Andreas Schoen
  • Jaxa Space Science Program and Interantional Collaboration, Dr. Yoshio Toukaku
  • China Academy of Space Technology presentation, Dr. Jinchen Zhao
  • Current and future Space Science Programs in China, Dr. Chi Wang

To see the presentations, please contact essc[at]